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We can do better than statistics say!

We are a blended family living intentionally and shedding light on lessons we've learned from a broken past and now-blended life.

You and I are not alone; we are all in it together.  Below you will get the opportunity read Julie's writings about her blended family experiences, life lessons she's learned the hard way, and advice on how to not make the same mistakes she's made along the way. 

This is where you will also be introduced to, and get to know, Other Blended Families and learn from their successes and missteps (just click on this category next to "Julie's writings" to meet some pretty incredible and inspiring blended families).  To be featured on THE BLOG, please use the contact section to get in touch with Eric and Julie.

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THE BLOG: Welcome

Meet the Trytsman Family!

Meet the Trytsman family everyone! They are a blended family of six with a powerful and encouraging message for us all. Enjoy!

Meet the Brock Family!

"We know that all of the negativity and noise will be exposed in due time and on it's own if we just stay the course and speak our truth."


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