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We can do better than statistics say!

We are a blended family living intentionally and shedding light on lessons we've learned from a broken past and now-blended life.


You and I are not alone; we are all in it together.  Below you will get the opportunity read Julie's writings about her blended family experiences, life lessons she's learned the hard way, and advice on how to not make the same mistakes she's made along the way. 

This is where you will also be introduced to, and get to know, Other Blended Families and learn from their successes and missteps (just click on this category next to "Julie's writings" to meet some pretty incredible and inspiring blended families).  To be featured on THE BLOG, please use the contact section to get in touch with Eric and Julie.

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THE BLOG: Welcome

How to LEAD your blended family.

Leadership is motivating your family towards a common goal. It may sound arbitrary if you have no idea where you're going.

Blended Family Jealousy

How you deal with perceptions determines your character. When you act out in a way that's harmful driven by jealousy, there's a problem.

The Stepmother's Mother's Day Blues

With Mother's Day rapidly approaching the step mother blues about it have consumed my social media and I have something to say about it.

Blended Family Bonding

I often get asked what should be considered before you officially blend your family with someone else's. Love is not enough.

Now is the time for GRATITUDE!

This is the time where we actually have time to focus on relationships, and I could not think of anything more important or fulfilling.

Meet the Trytsman Family!

Meet the Trytsman family everyone! They are a blended family of six with a powerful and encouraging message for us all. Enjoy!

Meet the Brock Family!

"We know that all of the negativity and noise will be exposed in due time and on it's own if we just stay the course and speak our truth."


It's a new year, so let's talk "change". One of my husband's favorite sayings is, "Don't be sorry, change!". This annoys me to no end...

Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 NIV: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." These are probably the most useful words of...

Mama, Not the Mama

Being on both sides myself, I'd like to take a moment in time and just acknowledge each side of the parent/step-parent coin. Both are equal

Dating With Children in Tow

We are so full of excitement and hope in the beginning of a relationship, especially if we are trying to revive our love life after divorce.

Rescuer; Stop Yourself!

I wish our co-parenting skills would mature into mutual respect, but it seems we are forever stuck living and operating in the land of toxic

Called Out

I was put on notice that I was making the situation ALL ABOUT ME and not about my child at all. STOP IT. MIND BLOWN.

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Release yourself from the notion that households are in competition with each other; we are all doing the best we can with what we have...

Say What!?

Unmet expectations are the kiss of death in your marriage and in your blended family! Even worse than unmet expectations is the total...

The EX Factor

This is not going to be a super fun blog entry, but a necessary one. Exes are here to stay, so we better learn how to best navigate this...

Distance, Beware!

I want to share with you a picture painted for me recently by my husband that rocked my world; it made me rethink my position in the...

Can't we all just get along?

It takes a village to raise up kids. When you expand your village by way of remarriage and blending families, this concept needs to be...


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